Playoff Success Rating (PSR) is a statistic I created to highlight how far a team or player makes it into the playoffs in any given season. It is a simple stat to calculate and is practically universal for any franchise or player in American sports (NBA, NFL, MLB, NHL, MLS).
Expected Playoff Success Rating (ePSR) is another statistic I made to coincide with PSR to show what a team or player's PSR should be based on their standings or playoff seeding in any given season. This statistic is a little more tedious to calculate but isn't too time-consuming unless you do a grand period of time as your window.
There are also variations of the stat, Playoff Success Rating per Appearance (PSRa) and Expected Playoff Success Rating per Appearance (ePSRa), that share the same baseline except instead of dividing by seasons in a specified timeframe, you divide by playoff appearances in a specified timeframe.
Detailed Explanation Coming Soon